Relationship Calculator

Relationship Calculator

This tool can be used to find the genetic or blood relationship between any two people in your database. This means that only people who have a common ancestor will be considered "related." Relationships through marriage are not shown by this utility. If two people related through marriage are also related through ancestry, then that relationship will be shown. In addition, only the closest relationship is calculated, as it is not unusual for people to be related in more than one way.

The first (upper) person whose name appears on the screen will be default be the person that you were viewing when the menu selection was made. However, you can use the Select button to bring up the Lookup screen to select someone else; this does not affect the current person being viewed.

The second (lower) person must initially be selected by using the Select button, but this choice will remain permanent until you change it.

After making any necessary selections, tapping Calculate will calculate the relationship. A special message will appear if there appears to be no relationship between the two people.